Open 9:45 to 5:00.  Nov 2,3,9,10,16,17,23,24,29,30, Dec 1,7,&8.

Both Festival and Theme Park; This theatre has so much Entertainment, Education, and Holiday Shopping you will have fun.  Your trip back in time becomes a mini-vacation.  Have a great weekend vacation and save on airfare, hotels, and suit-cases.  Skip the boring stuff go straight to the fun of a one day vacation.

Every Autumn the Louisiana Renaissance Festival creates the English village of Albright.  The quaint Village of Albright is surprisingly large.  Enjoy the magical ambiance created by the six hundred artisans, entertainers, and educational demonstrators that create the village of Albright.  The atmosphere is adventurous, exciting and romantic. There are forty shows and demonstrations everyday on a dozen stages, more entertainment than you can see in a weekend.  The quantity of educational content includes: music, demonstrations, history, language, wood, iron, wax, glass, and way more.   There is more to the Village of Albright than Entertainment and Education, search a hundred booths for the most unique hand made creations;  Perfectly timed for the holidays. 

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