Albright Players

The opening line of his play "As you Like It," William Shakespeare wrote "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players."  In the time of the Renaissance actors were often called "Players."  Sunlight was the only reliable source of light for the stage, which ment watching a "Play" was to be away from work, thus Playing. 

The Louisiana Renaissance Fesitval has many parts.  One of our most important parts is that of the Albright Players, these actors are the reason we are the most interactive theater in Louisiana.  Each actor/player is trained in costuming, history, voice projection, character creation, character development, acting, interactive theater, and more.  The Albright Players meet on the second Saturday of eacy month from March through October.  The sign up period for this volunteer position and free training is ends in March of each year.  If you sign up after April we will contact you the following year.  Simply sign up for the Cast news letter which is delivered every month from Jan-April. 

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